Gain insights on 100% of the companies and up to 45% of the employees visiting your website with our online dashboard which is accessible 24/7
Reports include:
Our leads dashboard allows you to drill down into the details of that visit
We also provide access to our database of over 800 million global contact records that work at those visiting companies.
We provide Name, Title, Email, Company Phone and a link to their LinkedIn profile to help you engage your ideal prospects, book meetings, identify opportunities and close more sales.
Sue our database of over 900 million global contacts with LinkedIn URLs to find your ideal prospects.
Our data includes
182,349,229 contact records with work emails
97,775,599 personal emails
2,607,247 deterministic emails
225,126,944 contacts with direct dial phone numbers
24,415,372 contacts with cell phone numbers
You can search for contacts at specific companies by Job Titles, Job Functions, Skills, Education, Recently Changed Jobs, at companies by Industries, SIC or NAICS codes, Company Size, Company Revenue, and any Location Around the World.
You can also suppress current customers, competitors, partners, and resellers when pulling lists.
Each account comes with 2500 contacts or downloads a month or 30k contact records a year. That would cost you over 20k if you were to buy the same data from Zoominfo.
If you use our link builder in your email campaigns we can tell you who visited your website from your email campaigns
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